This is me. All I am. Truth and that is it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pack, Pack, Pack...

My life is in boxes.
Packed away waiting for direction to their new home. Ever wonder why we are so materialistic as humans? I have donated or thrown away like half of my belongings. Alot of it I personally believe is that we get emotionally connected to certain items. For example when I went to Wisconsin dells with my friends four years ago I got this cute little crab hat from a restaurant. Now everytime I look at it, it makes me think of that trip. Great sentimental... but at the same time no practical use just takes up space. So as I was packing and packing I decided if I had not used the item in at least six months it wasn't moving with me. I kept a couple items here or there but this was the perfect time to declutter my life. I think we are so set on material things we lose track of ourselves in the piles of it we accumulate. I mean when you have five boxes of clothes alone and donated three garbage bags of them you know that you have a problem. Thanks to moving I evaluated this and its good for all of us to do that sometimes.
Today River Falls
Tomorrow De pere/ Green Bay!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

So you had a bad day

I feel that sometimes you just have a bad day. The worst thing is that often others don't let you just have a bad day. I'm not saying that they try to make it better and that's horrible. actually its the opposite. Often I find that if I tell someone "hey I am having a bad day fyi", they then push your buttons. It is like why the hell are you doing that I mean your suppose to make it better. dammit. lol..
What else I find funny is the people that try way to hard to make it better. Doesn't that just irate the hell outta you. Really people when your having a bad day sometimes you just want to let it play out the course. Start over new tomorrow.
I say all this because I had a bad day yesterday and I got to thinking about all of these types of situations Ive been in.

Totally off topic, I just want to say my prayers are with everyone in Haiti.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Went to a WILD game last night. Had the most amazing and fun day and night. It was super awesome!
Had some people come view our place yesterday but apparently they did not like the place. :( We have another showing wed. next week I hope these people will actually like the place.
I really need to start packing. I did massive cleaning yesterday but I need to actually get to the packing.
Going home sunday night to drop ryans car off and get the keys for the new place. Plus we need to get the heat all hooked up. Because I am not showing up and movin in friday and not having no heat. lol..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thinks look brighter

slowly starting to feel better. It took two weeks but things are looking better. I have everything lined up to move. Ryan's last day of work at staples is Friday and he is so excited to be done with that place. We rented our moving truck and now its just time to start packing. I have thought of a good method to packing. I think if we pack one room every day then we wont be rushed to cram everything into boxes at the last minute. So that will start this Saturday. We are taking a day trip to gb on Monday to drop a car off and get the keys for our place. The wheels have been set in motion and now its just a matter of time before im in my new amazing place.

Its almost bitter sweet this moving thing. On one hand I am back home where both of our families are. On the other hand I am leaving the last 4.5 yrs of my life behind and all my friends. I have to stay with the positive and know that it is going to work out. Its a new chapter in my life and I have to think that its going to be just as great as the college years. Maybe even better with more money to spend, lol..

Friday, January 8, 2010

Doctor, Doctor

I am still really sick. Im really stubborn though and im eventually Ill give in and go to the doctor. Well quickcare at least, I mean its just a cold why pay to go to a real doctor right. haha.

So im watching bizarre world with Andrew Zimmerman and he is in wisconsin. Screw him. I mean they always find the most crazy wisconsinists around. I mean where do they find these frickin people. Snowshoe softball? what the hell is that, I have never heard about it and Ive lived in wisconsin my whole life. Competitive wood logging? or racing snowmobiles across water? I mean seriously you made us all look like dumbasses. thanks alot Andrew I know your orignally from the cities so you should know that we are not this rediculous.

On more pleasent news I am moving in two weeks into my dream duplex. it is in a rich neighborhood in De pere and its right off the fox river. Not that I want to swim in that gross mix of crap but its a pretty area. Plus everything is brand new the place was just renovated in 08. I really excited to have this new beginning. :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year

Well it is the new year and my pounding headache has become a cold. Im chilling at home all day while ryan works. I had a great time on new years but that was a bad idea because now im super sick. I guess thats what I get.
It is super cold here today -14 they said on the news.
I made Pico De Gallo yesterday so thats the good news today. The only really good news today. haha.